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Stara ZagoraStara Zagora is one of the 27 district cities in Bulgaria. It is known with its straight streets and is often referred to as „the town of the linden-trees”. Apart from being on the leading administrative and economic centers in the country, Stara Zagora is also a well-known tourist destination. Here you can see the forum of the antique Roman town Augusta Trayana and visit the hotels and holiday centers of the balneo-resort Stara Zagora Mineral Baths which are located only 14 km from the city centre. Young people often visit Stara Zagora due to the Trakia University which can be found in the Student's Town Quarter located in the outskirts. Although the relief is not a mountain one, the area surrounding the city is very suitable for relaxing tourist walks and weekend get-aways. The mountains Sredna Gora and Sakar, as wells as the Chirpan Uplands, are very close to Stara Zagora. If you just want to have a city walk-around, you should visit the Zagorka Lake in the north-eastern part of Stara Zagora or The city park Ayazmoto. There are very good conditions for a break, activities or games with children. Just like any other big Bulgarian city, Stara Zagora has what to offer in terms of accommodation. There is one 5-star hotel and two 4-star hotels where guest are able to try the various services and amenities - SPA centers, exquisite restaurants and bars, perfect appliances for business tourism. The three hotels are large enough to welcome bigger groups. The standard 3-star hotels are located predominantly in Stara Zagora's central quarters. There are a few very distinguishable hotels offering interesting interior and extras. The hotels are scattered around „Geo Milev” Drama Theatre or the city Opera. If you visit Stara Zagora for a short period of time, you can always choose a hotel or a room near the Central Bus Station or the Central Train Station, as wells as close to the Trakia University.


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Detail ViewCompact View (active)Results: 1 - 20 of 104 found (all categories)Category
Cosy flat close to the center, Stara ZagoraCosy flat close to the center   apartments
151 ulitsa "Hristo Botev", Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Katties nice studio, Stara ZagoraKatties nice studio   apartments
141 улица „Цар Иван Асен II“, Stara Zagora, 6004
Number of rooms: 1

Apartment Elegance, Stara ZagoraApartment Elegance   apartments
49 Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii Str. 1 fl., ap.1, Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Cozy Studio next to State Opera with Work Space, Stara ZagoraCozy Studio next to State Opera with Work Space   apartments
91 ulitsa "Zahari Knyazheski", Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Studio for 4 Guests Next to Mall & Free Street Parking, Stara ZagoraStudio for 4 Guests Next to Mall & Free Street Parking   apartments
1 улица „Златан Станчев“, Stara Zagora, 6008
Number of rooms: 1

Super luxurious & spacious designer apartment., Stara ZagoraSuper luxurious & spacious designer apartment.   apartments
ул. „Граф Игнатиев“ 59, ап.1, ет.1, Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Хотел ЦЕНТРАЛ, Stara ZagoraХотел ЦЕНТРАЛ   Hotel 1 Star
26 bulevard "Ruski", Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 16

Stylish Top Centre Apartment for 4 guests, Stara ZagoraStylish Top Centre Apartment for 4 guests   apartments
85 bulevard "Tsar Simeon Veliki", Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Central Apartment, Stara ZagoraCentral Apartment   apartments
32 ulitsa "General Gurko" ет. 6, ап. 14, Stara Zagora, 6003
Number of rooms: 4

Hotel Zheleznik, Stara ZagoraHotel Zheleznik   Hotel 2 Stars
1 Petar Parchevich str., Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 66

Гарсониера, Stara ZagoraГарсониера   apartments
174 улица „Света Троица“, Stara Zagora, 6004
Number of rooms: 1

ул. „Майор Таньо Кавалджиев“ 63 ап 29, Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

KK Apartments, Stara ZagoraKK Apartments   apartments
57 булевард „Свети Патриарх Евтимий“, Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Apartment Center - Stara Zagora, Stara ZagoraApartment Center - Stara Zagora   apartments
ул. „Гео Милев“ 27, ет. 4, ап. 10, Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Top Location Apartment with 2Bath for 6 Guests, Stara ZagoraTop Location Apartment with 2Bath for 6 Guests   apartments
50 улица „Генерал Столетов“, Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Jasmin 2, Stara ZagoraJasmin 2   apartments
улица „Хаджи Димитър Асенов“ 22А ет.4 ап.36, Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

1bdr flat close to the center, Stara Zagora1bdr flat close to the center   apartments
str. "Professor Nikola Kozhuharov" 2, entr. A, app. 17, Stara Zagora, 6000
Number of rooms: 1

Cozy & Modern 1BR Apart for 4 guests next to Medical University & Free parking, Stara ZagoraCozy & Modern 1BR Apart for 4 guests next to Medical University & Free parking   apartments
ул. Генерал Делчо Делчев 9, Stara Zagora, 6003
Number of rooms: 1

DORM BG pet-friendly Aparthotel, Stara ZagoraDORM BG pet-friendly Aparthotel   apart-hotel
1A ulitsa "Kenali", Stara Zagora, 6008
Number of rooms: 32

Studio Apartment City Dream, Stara ZagoraStudio Apartment City Dream   apartments
улица „Кенали“ Esteti Homes || ЕТ.6, ап.64, Stara Zagora, 6008
Number of rooms: 1

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