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SmolyanSmolyan is located in the Central Rhodopes and is built along the banks of Cherna River. Apart from being a district centre, the town is also a popular tourist and cultural destination. After the impetuous development of the winter resort Pamporovo now Smolyan registers an increase in its economic growth and the number of people willing to visit the town and its surroundings. Tourists can choose from many 3-star hotels and smaller family-held ones, which offer the desired conditions and facilities for an adequate holiday. The increasing number of guests from Bulgaria and abroad has led to an improvement of the accommodations in the town. Now many of the hotels and guest houses have modern conveniences, including Internet access (both wire and Wireless), digital TV stations, luxury bathrooms, fitness and sauna, as well as conference and banquet halls. You may also often find a restaurant in your hotel that offers traditional dishes from the region or international cuisine. Guest houses are not a popular type of accommodation in Smolyan but tourists may find self-contained apartments or rent a room in a family house. Hotels are mainly located in the broad centre or in Raikovo quarter. Some of the accommodations are listed in the outlying quarters of Smolyan or right outside the town, next to the main road. Generally, the number of hotels in Smolyan is constantly rising, also due to the many tourist sites near the Rhodopes town - the caves of Uhlovitsa and Radina, the popular rock called The Bride, the Smolyan waterfall and Smolyan lakes, the Bloody wall and many others. Besides the ski resort Pamporovo, Smolyan offers alternatives for mountain tourism and winter activities. There are a lot of eco-paths where visitors can enjoy the beauty of the Bulgarian nature. Smolyan also belongs to the 100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria and is the home of one of the several astronomical observatories and planetariums in Bulgaria.


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Detail ViewCompact View (active)Results: 1 - 20 of 97 found (all categories)Category
Villa Rupcovoto, Smolyan
Villa Rupcovoto   guest house
Miko Ivanov Str., tel.: +359 886 344 487, Smolyan

Guest Apartment Monarch, SmolyanGuest Apartment Monarch   apartments
3 улица „Хан Пресиян“ Втори етаж, Smolyan, 4703
Number of rooms: 1

Студиа Студенец, SmolyanСтудиа Студенец   apartments
к.к. Пампорово, хижа Студенец, Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 3

Hotel Silver Hills, SmolyanHotel Silver Hills   apart-hotel
местност Падалото, Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 11

Къща за гости Суни Транс, SmolyanКъща за гости Суни Транс   guest house
Смолян местност :Паметника кв.Устово,промишлена зона, Smolyan, 4702
Number of rooms: 1

Студио "Птича Песен" - Studio "Birdsong", Смолянски езера, SmolyanСтудио "Птича Песен" - Studio "Birdsong", Смолянски езера   apartments
комплекс Маунтин Лейк, бл. 3, вх. В, ет. 4, ап. 8, Smolyan, 4703
Number of rooms: 1

Apartment Yana- The Amazing View, SmolyanApartment Yana- The Amazing View   apartments
5a ulitsa "Elitsa", Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 1

Villa Kabasanov, SmolyanVilla Kabasanov   guest house
2 Smolyanski Road, Smolyan Area, Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 1

Стаи за гости Топ Старс Смолян, SmolyanСтаи за гости Топ Старс Смолян   Hotel 1 Star
20A Bulgaria Blvd., Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 7

SPA Hotel Kiparis, SmolyanSPA Hotel Kiparis   Hotel 4 Stars
3 A Bulgaria Blvd., Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 32

Home Away From Home Apartment 538, SmolyanHome Away From Home Apartment 538   apartments
Smolyan Lakes 538, Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 1

Апартамент в комплекс Смолянски езера, SmolyanАпартамент в комплекс Смолянски езера   apartments
Смолянски езера комплекс Маутин Лейк, Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 1

Апартамент Лейк Вю, вила Флора, комплекс Маунтин лейк, SmolyanАпартамент Лейк Вю, вила Флора, комплекс Маунтин лейк   apart-hotel
местност Смолянските езера,п.к 4703, град Смолян, България ,хотелски комплекс " Маунтин лейк", Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 1

La’Vista, SmolyanLa’Vista   apartments
Пампорово, Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 1

Guest house Smolyan, SmolyanGuest house Smolyan   guest house
12 улица „Велико Търново“, Smolyan, 4701
Number of rooms: 1

Комплекс Падалото "ЕТНО", SmolyanКомплекс Падалото "ЕТНО"   apartments
Смолян Ап. 18, ул. Невястата, блок 3, комплекс Падалото, Smolyan, 5650
Number of rooms: 5

Skyday Penthouse Deluxe at Oak Residence, SmolyanSkyday Penthouse Deluxe at Oak Residence   apartments
Smolyan Lakes OAK Residence Apartments, Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 1

Secret Lake 533 at Oak Residence, SmolyanSecret Lake 533 at Oak Residence   apartments
Smolyan lakes , Oak Residence Hotel and Relax 533, Smolyan, 4700
Number of rooms: 1

Villa Ahrida, SmolyanVilla Ahrida   guest house
Progled village, Smolyan, 4871
Number of rooms: 1

Утро без Аларма, Смолянски езера. Alarm free Morning Smolyan lakes, SmolyanУтро без Аларма, Смолянски езера. Alarm free Morning Smolyan lakes   apartments
ап 1, ет 1, вх В, бл 3, ул. Смолянски езера 21, Smolyan, 4703
Number of rooms: 1

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